From a Mother's Perspective with Linda P. Jones
We wanted to get a little personal and hear from the hearts, wisdom and experiences of some of the mothers we know; so we asked them a few questions. Paying tribute to the world's strongest, most loving and compassionate beings, is Linda P. Jones. In case you're wondering who this gem is, we've inserted a few truths about her that will help break the ice.
"Linda P. Jones is a gifted teacher of the Word, a prolific writer and counselor. She heads the Linda P. Jones Ministries, is the Founder/President of Women of Worth Ministries: a ministry that addresses issues concerning the whole woman, and by extension ministers to the entire family and also Walking On Water Teaching & Equipping Centre. She also hosts a bi-monthly radio program, Words of Wisdom. Linda speaks at community groups, educational institutes, host seminars/workshops, conferences, prayer breakfasts, and women's meeting both locally and abroad. She currently resides in Barbados, West Indies (Caribbean) with her husband of more than 30 years, who ably supports her in ministry. They have one adult daughter."
Now that you've met, enjoy the next few minutes of exponential wisdom that Linda has to share.
Q. What does motherhood mean to you?
A. It is an awesome responsibility that God has entrusted to me. I get to shape the life of an individual that would impact society for good! Someone who would honor his Creator and bring glory to His Name. I get to 'train up a child in the way which he/she will go...' that is: to encourage them in their God-given gifts and talents and in the fear of God. I get to mold a child - build her self-esteem, to value life, love and respect others.
Q. How has motherhood nurtured you?
A. Motherhood has brought a sense of fulfillment like nothing else has in my life thus far. It has made me more aware of how I behave, how I speak to and about others - on a whole, what values and principles I am modeling before my child. I always took care of myself, but now I am more aware of the responsibility to be healthier physically, spiritually and emotionally for her.
Q. What do you enjoy most about motherhood?
A. Being able to leave a legacy for my child. I love it when my daughter says to me "Mummy I like you!" That has deeper implications than "Mummy I love you". I have found out you could love someone but not like them! The bond that I share with my daughter. She is at the age and maturity now where we are 'friends 'Watching a little bit of me running around. Sometimes it is not so flattering LOL!
Q. Why are mothers important?
A. Someone once said "He who rocks the cradle rules the world". I believe this is true. Ever noticed when most six foot tall men in athletics or some level of prominence get an opportunity to say something publicly or before a camera? It is usually "...Hi Mom!"... for me that says it all(I think in answering all the other questions they encapsulate why mothers are important).
Q. Do you have any words of advice to existing and potential mothers?
A. Affirmation, Affirmation, Affirmation! Always speak words of high value to and about your child/children!
Motherhood will change your life permanently!
You will never stop being a mother or should I say... mothering.
Your roles will change as your child grows: in the beginning you will be a teacher (more autocratic), later on you will have to be a coach a mentor.
You will have to know when to back off but stay available. Listen, listen, listen - Let your child always have a say but never to be rude to you or anyone else.
Always respect your child's father - never speak reproachfully about him or to him in your child's presence, regardless of what type of relationship you have with their father.
Be more interested in being your child's' mother more than his/her best friend. That will come much later.
They will break your heart, but be committed to loving them anyway.
Do not compare your child with another child be it yours or a friend etc...Make the relationship between you and them as such that they will come to you first with any problem they have - knowing that they will find a non-judgmental ear...
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