5 Day Accelerated Book Writing Workshop
A few years ago I toyed with the idea of becoming an International Author. After being denied assistance from established authors I knew could help me but just didn't care to (I suppose they saw me as an additional competition in the writing industry), and the knowledge absence of where and how to start, I can happily say that my publications do not reveal the latter. Over the last four (4) years, I was able to successfully self-publish three (3) books, and I am currently working on my fourth book. However, my truth happens to be that the countless setbacks and my supposed 'ignorance' cost me thousands of dollars, before I mastered the art of writing and self-publishing.
To date, I cannot count the number of random persons who have contacted me (via email and social media) to express how much my books have inspired, encouraged and challenged them to step out of their comfort zones, live life purposefully and on the other side of fear. Many of these people I do not know and may never meet. But I'll tell you this: I'll never be able to fully explain the joy that comes from living in alignment with my purpose.
What is your purpose? Do you have a powerful story to share? Do you possess expert knowledge in a particular subject area? Have you dreamt of becoming an author? Do you find it difficult to create something someone would actually be interested in reading?
If you're currently contemplating whether you should start this writing journey, I strongly recommend that you pull up your socks, strap up your boots, and hit the road running.
If you are serious about becoming an author, register for my 5 Day Accelerated Book Writing Workshop and learn how to: 1. Establish your book title; 2. Identify suitable chapter topics consistent with the objective of your book; 3. Overcome writing intimidation; 4. Conquer writer's block, and
5. Complete a powerful, life-changing manuscript.
Once you register, you will also receive: 1. 1 hour of free Inside & In Sight Book Publishing consultation, and 2. 10% discount on an Inside & In Sight Book Publishing package of your choice.
Kick fear in the face and register using this link to start shifting the trajectory of your life, today: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZAtc-Gvqj8oHdLeNp2TQx328uOVkQLeA…